
As It Turns Out

20 December 2024

Many times in my life things just haven’t quite worked out.

2024 is not one of those times, for me anyway. Things have worked out.

In my 66th year on this planet, a number of things are coming together.

Working alongside Lara Blackmore, Chris Gallavin, Jodie Jones and guided by the sage Margaret Kouvelis has led to a deepening understanding of our methodology and impact; The Belong teams are bigger and settled, we have started the first Workplace Impact Teams with ChemCare in South Auckland; and I’ve got my mojo back after a sabbatical last year.

Oh, and I’ve written a book.

It’s been a blast, mostly due to the support by a wonderful editor Bob Selden (a writer of four books - one a best seller). Bob has guided me through each step, and we are not far away from the launch. Finishing touches of a final edit by Dave Taylor from Intelligent Inc then a read through and hopefully off to the printers. The cover was designed by Hannah Bloom and looks cool displaying Peter Butlers artwork "Te mauri kei roto". Pete says, ‘Thinking of a name... the concept / theme of the design that came to mind when designing this was 'the magic within' - the magic / mauri that happens when a Collective Intelligence team operates and functions well, as well as exploring that which is within us all, once we focus and channel our inner mauri”.  "Te mauri kei roto" - "mauri" refers to a life force, essence, or energy, which aligns with the meaning of "magic" within a deeper, spiritual context.

Back to the book. This has been in my thinkeree for about four years now spurred on by Rich Alderton, and my wife Kate. I’ve had lots of conversations with various authors getting their views on how to frame a book up such as this. What came through consistently is that there was too much material for one book, and I have to say this has proven to be true. 

About five weeks ago I got an email from Bob saying that's enough writing, it's time to wrap it up. I was a bit shocked and also relieved. There’s so much rich material about the evolution of Collective Intelligence, I could have gone on for another few month’s writing. So, there are stories left out for now.  However, I know that alumni will remind me what else could have been in this book, that I will put into the next.

‘As it turns out; No one has their shit together’, is based on a true story reflecting on the things that have impacted my life, and why I began Collective Intelligence in the first place. It has also helped me make sense of my life and given me comfort getting it down on paper.  The title has come from a story in the book, and because it’s true – As it turns out!

I’ve written this book in part to myself who as a young man was trying to work out what my life was about. In doing so, I also hope it will help other young people and give them hope. ‘Hope’ is an emotion that is not often thought seriously about and yet in trying to get our shit together, it’s one of the most important – without hope there is nothing.

I’ve had the most incredible privilege creating and learning from Collective Intelligence, and I just hope (there’s that emotion again!) I have been able to capture some of that magic.

Otherwise, there’s a hint of sex and violence plus my weird sense of humour in parts, to keep it interesting. Couldn’t find a decent car chase, sorry.

Will keep you posted re launch dates in your areas. 

P.S. And yes it will be on Audible and and Kindle.